- Go Vikings! #
- Great to feel healthy again! Ready to get back to work & start rehearsing for my shows this week! #
- Great idea: RT @LDN: Slow Down London – inspiring Londoners to improve their quality of life http://bit.ly/5Txf2s #
- Excited to perform as Dunya tomorrow night! Anyone coming? Hope to see you there! For details, Visit http://www.dunyadance.blogspot.com @dunyadance #
- RT @DunyaDance: Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday night at our next show:… http://fb.me/4VsjKJd #
- Me 2!! RT @AshleyMGreene: How badly do I want an Apple IPAD? I already have an IPOD and IPHONE and a MacBook!! Apple is taking over my life. #
- Love Pulp Fiction! RT @EvilBobby: Baby … Zed is Dead #
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