- Delish champagne coctails! (@ The Langley) http://4sq.com/5pH592 #
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being is a beautiful film. #
- RT @RoomtoRead: This is Nat’l Women’s Health Week – educated women have smaller, healthier families and take better care of themselves #
- RT @PoliticalTicker: "David Cameron named British prime minister" – http://bit.ly/cBFRUu #
- RT @RealAge: With long-term exercise, being 80 is just a number: http://bit.ly/9um5l9 #
- Yay cant wait! RT @Twilight_Guide: Kristen, Taylor and Robert talk Tent Scene behind-the-scenes at Oprah: http://bit.ly/czbyYA #
- About to have my first dentist experience in London! #
- RT @designcouncil: Design industry research – the average UK designer is male, white and 38 years old http://bit.ly/ajBxZG #
- So excited to watch the season finale of True Blood tonight! Who's with me? #
- TGIF! Looking forward to a relaxing night on my own and then off to the races tomorrow at Silverstone! Vvvrrrrooooommm! #
- Um, yes —>RT @TIME: Is the Internet the secret to happiness? | http://su.pr/9cOzhb #
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