My Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-08

  • Back in London, watching the news re #OBL who was killed last night. #
  • I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." – Martin Luther King, Jr #
  • Check out @Ale_Schrader on season 2 of #MasterChef #
  • @berwickstjames Thanks for sharing these pictures of the event! It was great to meet many new friends! #
  • Excited to meet UK Panhellenic & Pi Phi friends today in Soho/London! Text me if you are joining us. #
  • Happy mothers day! I'm thankful for my beautiful anne, my anneanne's spirit that remains in my heart & all the inspiring moms around me! <3 #

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