- A note about 'this is your life' @DoWhatYouLove08 http://bit.ly/lXGOFl #
- Anyone interested in jobs @designcouncil? Check them out here: http://t.co/XtGEi0w #
- Looking forward to Design for Growth Summit @designcouncil tomorrow #designsummit11 http://bit.ly/mFb72W #
- A pint of shatterproof glass, please: what the @designcouncil does for us http://t.co/XctOUOp via @guardian #
- Ideas can be powerful but so fragile during the design process. It's about managing risk around the idea. @designcouncil #designsummit11 #
- Thinking of a business startup? Locate it where there is a collection of expertise. @designcouncil #designsummit11 #
- Looking forward to presentations from JLR @designcouncil #designsummit11 #
- Vehicle Designers used to be called flower arrangers! But it's now changed. @designcouncil #designsummit11 #
- Design should act as a catalyst -Gerry McGovern JLR @designcouncil #designsummit11 #
- One of our functions is to be beautiful -Ian Callum JLR @designcouncil #designsummit11 #
- IP, Market opportunity, mgmt team, scalable biz model & design work together to take tech to market -Navetas @designcouncil #designsummit11 #
- Govt procurement should be used to support innovation/manufacturing – Mark Prisk MP @designcouncil #designsummit11 #
- Yay!> @clivegrinyer: Minister mentions increased support for Designing Demand programme. Excellent! So glad I invented it 🙂 #designsummit11 #
- Im excited to experience London2012 to demonstrate that UK is proud of our design & engineering skills #designsummit11 #
- Love it! RT @Turkishdelight3: RT @amandagore: hysterical – Tom Dixon came to #designsummit11 with a white poodle in his coat pocket! #
- Is there a gender equality issue in design? #designsummit11 #
- A quick pic of #London2012 Olympic Torch & me –>Looking forward to seeing it in action! #designsummit11 http://lockerz.com/s/113334058 #
- Excited about the new govt planning policy that addresses design & how I can link it to my @berwickstjames community plan. #designsummit11 #
- Government as a design leader. Need growth, competitiveness, & most importantly – creativity. Sir John Sorrell #designsummit11 #
- Design Bugs Out bedside cabinet, good example of a design collaboration with @designcouncil, Bristol Maid, NHS & users. #designsummit11 #
- RT @katiprice: @thulme 1) The question is half the battle – it's a design opportunity and esp when working with govt silos #designsummit11 #
- Be citizen centred – get user insights – think about their journey – engage thru open innovation – prototype/test @thulme #designsummit11 #
- @thulme: Govts could use buildings to share their manifesto & tick off what was promised = transparency/engagement! #designsummit11 #
- Why are "procurement" & "failure" four letter words? #designsummit11 #
- Challege for @designcouncil to tackle redesigning govt procurement process. Let's do it!!! #designsummit11 #
- "Techies struggle with design" Reshma Sohoni, Seedcamp #designsummit11 #
- "If get the design right, you'll get the customers" Sherry Coutu #designsummit11 #
- Really refreshing to hear from intelligent women who are experienced in investing & encouraging design for Growth #designsummit11 #
- A challenge for the @designcouncil to bring multidisciplinary entrepreneurs together – let's join them up! #designsummit11 #
- American women representing! RT @RachelAFisher: @mdrouse5 interesting that our only female speakers are American… #
- Sherry Coutu invests in teams (young & some with grey hairs) to solve probs that matter. #designsummit11 #
- And only 14% with venture cap support! RT @Turkishdelight3: #designsummit11 The average age of the top 500 US companies is 40 – Sherry Coutu #
- Govt, buy from small companies!!! And, big suppliers, buy from them too! -Sherry Coutu #designsummit11 #
- Well done @designcouncil team/speakers for putting on a great #designsummit11 ! #
- Enjoy, wish I could be there!!! PPL from UK 🙂 RT @Sbaysing: Landed in Orlando! Thanks @JetBlue Now off for a great convention #piphimagic #
- How can we create innovation/tech/design clusters? A challenge for @designcouncil ! #designsummit11 #
- Great feedback -> RT @ileddigital: So I'd love to have a summit with more voices from our incredible new designers talent. #designsummit11 #
- We work together at the Design Council! 🙂 RT @OliWinton: @amandagore @mdrouse5 How on earth do you 2 know each other? So random!! #
- @clivegrinyer I'm disappointed I didn't make your highlights list! I guess I have to prove myself thru guitar/dance collaboration? J/K 🙂 #
- Looking forward to performing as @Dunya Dance tonight at Turki-Spanish Oriental Festival! Hope to see you there! http://bit.ly/mzxMQx #
- Amazing day learning from Ozgen Bellydance and Aida Danza and performing as @DunyaDance at the Turki-Spanish Oriental Festival show. #
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