My Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10

  • Happy 4th of July to my expat friends in the UK and friends/family back home! Hope you are all enjoying festivities! x #
  • What do you think? RT @GOOD: What kind of guy would buy the male pill? We explain how to sell men birth control #
  • Just saw #WatchMen and I was super impressed! I love graphic novel adaptations to film. #
  • Watch Michelle & David on House Hunters International @HGTV on 7 July 10:30pm. See @DunyaDance too! Details are here: #
  • @jamesdearsley Our House Hunters International show airs on @HGTV in the US on 7th July. We still haven't seen it so hope it's ok! x #
  • Sign up for Michelle's Turkish dance Aug course w/ finger cymbals to chiftitilli rhythm & watch Rosy at 17 July show! #
  • David & @mdrouse5 move from CA to UK! RT @hgtv: NEW Tonight on HGTV: "House Hunters Int'l" 10:30/9:30c (@hgtvinterns) #
  • Thanks <3 RT @lovethewang: house selection is brilliant, better hope I never get to England, or never leaving ur house. #loveyou #missyou #
  • @jamesdearsly We just watched our HHI episode on @HGTV and it's really great! You were fabulous! Have you found a link on the internet yet? #
  • Check out @jamesdearsley blog about his experience with us moving from US to UK on @HGTV House Hunters International! #
  • Don't miss Rosy of @DunyaDance along with other fabulous dancers at the Brixton Hafla tonight! #
  • @jamesdearsley We just watched our HHI episode on @HGTV and it's really great! You were fabulous! Have you found a link on the internet yet? #
  • @jamesdearsley I watched it via skype with my parents who recorded it in California. I haven't found it online yet. Will let you know. x #
  • @amandagore what's your email? I'll invite you. 🙂 #
  • @amandagore Found your email and just invited you to Google+…enjoy! 🙂 #
  • @amandagore Thanks! My friend is a professional photographer in London and did it on Friday at his studio. 🙂 #

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