- It Only Takes a Girl: http://t.co/CBB9lHms via @youtube #
- Shimmy shimmy shimmy #
- @Trinigyal44 @benatrodd @mike_biddle hope you all are having fun today @designcouncil …looking forward to hearing about #innovateforage #
- Is it really 1st of March? #
- Great @designcouncil opportunity! “@BDonline: Cabe seeks built environ experts: Panel will advise government on design http://t.co/Qdt3Dtgx” #
- TGIF! #
- Cool! RT @RachelAFisher RT @civic_voice: Great piece on the beauty we can all find in everyday places http://t.co/Dr6Y3wMt #
- Cool way to describe social media. RT @DanielZeevi Social Media for Nonprofits: It's tastier than you think http://t.co/aFeVh42B #
- Great ideas! RT @HarvardBiz Send a Message to the Women in Your Company http://t.co/lfcVB5tX… #
- @Get_Lippie Congrats! So excited for you! 🙂 #
- Wow! RT @guardiannews Meteor 'fireball' spotted in night sky across UK http://t.co/WSVRPcVn #
- I'm loving listening to the rain while I'm warm and cozy inside by the fire. #
- UK Pi Phis are kicking off our support of Read.Lead.Achieve – raising the profile of literacy! http://t.co/RJLJXoBt #readleadachieve #
- International Badge Day 2012 is tomorrow! Pi Beta Phi London, UK alumnae are supporting. Ring Ching! #badgeday12 http://t.co/nCNTqq43 #
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