- Great concert by Guy Schalom and Baladi Blues Ensemble and guests…really enjoyed it! #
- My Turkish Oriental performance with Rosy as Dunya-Hafla on the Hill April 2012: http://t.co/dvtJ2H5q #
- Great @DunyaDance meeting and rehearsal today! Lots of good ideas flowing 🙂 #
- Maya, Tara and Michelle of @arabian_dance performed a zaffa with shamadans for a Somalian wedding in London. http://t.co/KoXLGprx #
- The sun is shining & it's warm in London – finally!!! 🙂 #
- Ring Ching! RT @Pi_Phi_LondonUK Blue skies for Pi Phis in #London Yay! http://t.co/9XAXNbM2 #
- You never get a second chance to leave a first impression…where's the Delorian with a flux capacitor when you need one? 😉 #
- Yes! RT @BBCWorld "For the first time in Egyptian history I'm able to choose" – Cairo voters excited by #Egypt election http://t.co/cW83SOyE #
- You know what's awesome? Blue sky in London. Loving the weather! http://t.co/gv371pIN #
- Exciting new programme to improve quality of life for older people by TSB! http://t.co/qA26bIXJ #
- Good fun at vintage nostalgia event in Wiltshire. Lovely day! http://t.co/jj8xW65a #
- This is what we get up to in our home workshop. 🙂 http://t.co/x2oGxIgh #
- Wiltshire Weekend – Vintage Nostalgia & Long Barn https://t.co/YlK6Euxe #
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