Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-09-13

  • Cool – RT @LDN: Nice 25-minute documentary on the London Tube map, "the pinnacle of London Transport's modernist design" #
  • Creating your life takes concentrated awareness, dedicated discipline and a willingness to experiment and take risks (via @ExpatCoachMegan) #
  • Examples of why you should be careful with social media posts: #
  • Fantastic! RT @LDN: London now and then: photographs of London streets taken 60 years apart (via @davidsim and @bat020) #
  • Summer is back in London! Yes! #
  • Inspired to dance. Not inspired to clean. 🙂 #
  • First hair cut in London. Long, straight, fringe-1960s Cher. Excited for Goodwood! #
  • Smart! RT @landarchitects: Cool calculator for creating sustainable farms created by landarch/planning students #
  • Made spaghetti sauce from scratch tonight for the first time. Much success. 🙂 #
  • Great dance workout. Enjoying practicing dancing in heels. #
  • Betty Crocker inspired me to make this yummy cake! #
  • I forgot how much I enjoyed the Batman Dark Knight movie. I <3 DC & Marvel comics turned movies! #
  • So true-that's why Im a planner! RT @blogworkz: "A goal without a plan is just a wish". Antoine de Saint-Exupery #
  • Just taking a moment to think about waking up 8 years ago on 11th of Sept to the attacks in NY & DC. #
  • Great info: RT @blogworkz: 10 privacy settings every facebook user should know #
  • Ridiculous- RT @TwilightFanFeed: FROM WEB: 'Racy' Twilight books banned from primary schools #
  • Sometimes South Park cracks me up. Well, actually, all the time. Butters is my hero. 🙂 #
  • Excited for the BBC Proms in the Park today! #
  • Rolling Stones, Temptations, Queen, Opera, Barry Manilow, Ol Britannia, Jerusalem = BBC Proms at Hyde Park w/ David, Jenette & Derek! #
  • It's my sister's 21st birthday today! Happy bday to ND In December my other sister will be 18. And I'm 30. Landmark bdays in 2009! #

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