- RT @RoomtoRead: For Intern'l Women's Day @NickKristof explains how girls’ education pros http://nyti.ms/aFSDqs #IWD #
- RT @TheCityFix: Recognizing a Woman’s Role in #Sustainable #Transport on International Women's Day 2010. http://bit.ly/axjBMN #
- RT @RealAge: Int'l Women's Day "Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities: Progress for All" http://tinyurl.com/ydpf5nh #
- Great presentation at the Design Council today! 1960s 4 me! @VintageGoodwood: http://tinyurl.com/ylrmfmn #
- Cool! RT @michellewoo: GMAIL IS SMART! "You wrote 'Attached is' in your message but there are no files attached. Send anyway?" #
- Great rehearsal tonight with veil! If only we had a nice big studio with mirrors (for free!). 🙂 #
- Wonderful day doing ethnographic research! #
- TGIF. True Blood is rad. #
- Lady Gaga-ing out to Salisbury #
- Fantastic article & insights re younger gen's attitudes: RT @TIME: How the young perceive a new generation gap | http://su.pr/2rmjPv #
- Woke up way to early on a Sunday- sun & birds chirping in the country is a change from buses, car alarms & rubbish collectors noises #
- An EVIL Bobby kind of night eh? Hope it was great @evilbobby http://twitpic.com/18h05n #
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