My Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-05

  • Happy Memorial Day, Happy UK Spring Bank Holiday & Happy birthday daddy! #
  • Looking forward to attending the annual @BerwickStJames Fete & Dog Show 4th June! Details here: #
  • Thanks for the kind words, Tim!!! (RT @TimPrevett: Planet Egypt was amazing and yes the performances by @DunyaDance stunning.) #
  • Fresh pogaca out of the oven made from scratch. Yum! #
  • Eeek! Our House Hunters International episode airs in the US on 7th July at 10:30pm EST! Stay tuned for details here: #
  • Regaib Kandiliniz Kutlu Olsun! #
  • Vote for my friends Niki and Jason's "Blue Monday" Ultimate Proposal Contest here: #

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