My Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-18

  • Great @DunyaDance rehearsal today! Getting excited to perform at Silk Routes and preparing for our fun Turkish Romani workshops. #
  • Enjoyed whipping my hair back and forth tonight with @arabian_dance! Lots of great projects underway! #
  • @Climate_Week Excited to support this great campaign and look forward to doing a fun quiz/low carb lunch with my @designcouncil colleagues! #
  • Super excited for the next @DancebuzzUK beginners+ #bellydance course on Tues…yay for a new, fun choreo! #
  • Really great ideas. RT @tferriss NEW – Reinventing the Office: How to Lose Fat and Increase Productivity at Work #
  • Thanks to my friends and family for voting me into the quarter finals on 6th May for Bellydance Trophies! I really appreciate your support! #
  • Great but still needs improvement RT @bisgovuk At the end of Feb 2012, women now account for 15.6% of all directorships, up from 12.5% #
  • Had fun teaching beginners+ #bellydance tonight with my @dancebuzzuk students. Doing another taster next Tues so join in the fun! #
  • RT @katiprice #DesignForum12 on measuring the impact of design starts soon. Follow the discussion at #
  • The votes are in – better evidence on the impact of design will increase demand 75% agree, 25% disagree #DesignForum12