My Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-01

  • Fantastic night at Silk Route Show – still buzzing from the amazing Turkish Delights dancing. Well done to everyone! X #
  • Silk Route Show March 2012 #
  • My tummy is not my friend #
  • Not sure – maybe star pupil/controller? RT @nesta_uk The Five Personalities of Innovators: Which One Are You? #
  • What's the best way to eliminate dead rat stench? #
  • Yes! “@gaylelemmon: #Women as part of #Bangladesh #039;s dev- #entrepreneurship playing a role in boosting incomes, dignity” #
  • RT @jlievens The problems with so-called “conscious consumerism” | @scoopit #
  • Feeling so much better! Maybe it was my home-made vegetable soup. Yum. 🙂 #
  • Clear blue sky in #London's one of those days that reminds me how fabulous this city can be. #
  • Freedom #
  • Watching American #Idol for the first time in years. Really impressed with the caliber of talent! #
  • Please check out this link & like the page for the #London Underline #
  • Fun! I'd like to go too. 😉 RT @DanielZeevi Sir Richard Branson Unveils ‘Virgin Volcanic’ #
  • Yes! “@gmail: Eager to try Gmail Tap? Get early access here: #gmailtap