- Interesting article on the benefits of being bilingual http://t.co/Gvi6xMTK #
- Design principles from the UK govt – quite good! via @TimHarford @mariguld http://t.co/Wp2hUG5I #
- Want to learn #Turkish Romani #dance style with @dunyadance? Course starts this Sat in London. Sign up now: http://t.co/16mwex08 #
- Back to London after a lovely holiday weekend in Wiltshire. #
- Exciting! RT @ThomasMarzano As Google readies semantic search the implications are huge http://t.co/3lw1jlav #
- @Ale_Schrader your urban farm is looking great! #
- Talent driven services – future of service in America (and beyond?) http://t.co/nbgohNga via @FastCoExist @FastCompany #
- Getting ready to make some chilli con carne with a Mish-style twist…and I keep reminding myself that cilantro=coriander. Always an #Expat #
- My Turk-Mex Chilli with kidney beans, chick peas & lime/coriander=cilantro rice. Delish. http://t.co/S494EQex #
- Super excited to teach #Turkish Romani workshops starting tomorrow! http://t.co/16mwex08 #
- @RoxaneGrantArt Thanks for the RT! X #
- @LauraViander yay, can't wait to see you! X #
- Feelin' the #Turkish 9/8 rhythm #
- Just stumbled across #Google Latitude & think it's great! Anyone else on it? #
- Cube Farm Innovation: RT @GOOD Freelancers, alone no more: Coworking is going big business http://t.co/ZvkQHeI8 #
- Great article! RT @thebigsociety Social Enterprise Means Reaching Our Highest Potential – http://t.co/Dsrk69Pe… #socent #
- Better than watching TV – our view of beautiful birds at our #Wiltshire home @berwickstjames http://t.co/qpNPeaUD #
- @PrincessLpop I know your real name & that you aren't a real princess… #
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