- Cool! RT @inhabitat Lady Gaga's stylist is planning a line of high-tech, solar-powered clothing and accessories http://t.co/AuDHX5Jp #
- How gassy dinosaurs went extinct? http://t.co/eO2kEEDT #
- Can't wait! @Arabian_Dance: We perform this Fri in London – don't miss this show for @ageuk & @givingtogeorges http://t.co/qZKAQsL6 #
- Did you know that @princesslpop is aka Butterscotch? #designcouncilponies #
- Still buzzing from teaching @dancebuzzuk #bellydance tonight-so proud of our progress on our choreography to Tarkan's Hup! #
- I don't remember the last time I woke up at 4:30am! But it's worth it – looking forward to performing with @arabian_dance in Aberdeen later! #
- Crazy! RT @DanielZeevi Mark Zuckerberg Will Determine Whether You Get Wasted Tonight, Kiddies http://t.co/OCZEhpUV #
- We had a blast performing in Aberdeen! Here is a fun pic of Mico when we landed at the airport! http://t.co/Ew92xcus #
- I <3 Obama! Just a few words mean a big step towards marriage #equality #
- Planning to escape rainy UK – I'll be in SoCal USA May 30 – June 25! Who wants to play/collaborate/brainstorm/relax/enjoy/dance/etc??? 🙂 #
- Does this consider time zones other than in US? RT @SocialMediaLond Best & Worst Times to Share on Facebook, Twitter http://t.co/XB9n5NKB #
- Catching up on sleep is oh so good! #
- Looking forward to our @arabian_dance show tonight at Wandsworth Town Hall supporting @AgeUKnews & St Georges! #
- Agreed! RT @stateofplaceorg: @SocialMediaLond Just reading a similar article! Bit skeptical. If I'm not on my laptop, I'm on my Smartphone! #
- Do you take #bellydance classes or are interested in classes? Please participate in this super short survey: http://t.co/j3Kqwu3G #
- Just bought my tix to Guy Schalom's Baladi Blues 3 Concert on 20th May! Anyone else going??? http://t.co/SLwAyoGc #
- Great @arabian_dance show tonight! Now off to bed under the stars in Wiltshire. #
- Gorgeous sky & landscape in Wiltshire. http://t.co/oaj3nYkT #
- This Ajda Pekkan song brings back memories of dancing with my mother & grandmother. Anneler gununuz kutlu olsun! http://t.co/tR0Cu4pQ #
- Infographic representing a #woman #039;s place in the world. Are you surprised with your country's rank? #health #education…http://t.co/cpkGIrVc #
- If #Battersea power station is demolished for a new sustainable development, heritage could still be preserved. Just n…http://t.co/y9C0aSZg #
- Great! RT @lifehacker You can now use Google Hangouts to broadcast live to the world. http://t.co/JP76NJ42 #
- Yum! RT @FoodNetwork Get ready for grilling season with the 15 healthiest grilled main dishes: http://t.co/nJNJIOoh. #
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