Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-20

  • Enjoyed dancing at Tina Enheduanna's Winter Concert supporting Women for Women International. Check out my piece: #
  • Jetlag sucks. Hope to feel better. & lights on Oxford Street are lovely! #
  • Need to check these out: RT @LDN: Guidebook writers share their favourite London places #
  • I'm tempted but I'd rather see them live to re-live my first concert experience! 🙂 RT @peoplemag: NKOTB's new DVD! #
  • I hope I can wear skinny jeans when I'm 55. 🙂 RT @lovethewang: @annieimamura how about when 55-year olds wear skinny pants? #
  • I <3 the Dog Whisperer #
  • Totally into True Blood (books & the tv series) #
  • Had a great time! Thanks for visiting & for great company at las brisas! RT @EvilBobby: – Brunch with @mdrouse5 #
  • It's snowing…my first time living in a place where it snows. Surreal after summer weather in SoCal! #
  • My first snow in London. Bloody cold for a Cali/Vegas girl! #
  • Enjoyed tea & savoury treats in a warm setting. (@ Richoux Piccadilly in London) #
  • Dear London, Why are you so cold? Please let me know at your earliest convenience so we can mitigate this in the future. Best, MD #
  • Rad! RT @webist: WebUrbanist: Painted Alive: Boldly Brilliant Body Paintings #
  • Haircut & feeling like cleopatra-Plus the salon receptionist had a New Moon shirt on supporting my happy environment away from the cold. #
  • I recommend seeing Avatar if you are into the epic/amazing/rad sort of movie. 🙂 #
  • Great Sunday roast & friendly staff! (@ Canteen in London) #

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