- Back in London – and I see the sun! 🙂 #
- Skilled migrants add to UK diversity and prosperity…not too happy about new immigration policy —-> http://bit.ly/cTRKnh #
- Back to work today…didn't fall to jetlag but wanted to fall over from the smelly odour in the Tube. Gross! #
- Super excited to see @Twilight #EclipseMovie in London. Anyone else interested in the Sat midnight showing at Odeon Marble Arch? #
- Snoop Dogg Sookie Tribute. Cracks me up! http://bit.ly/c2V3io #
- Ya, I'm at Leicester Square with squeeling girls listening to RPatz 🙂 http://twitpic.com/21k6y1 #
- Going to see Twilight #EclipseMovie tomorrow (Fri) night at midnight at Vue Westfield in Shepards Bush. Who is with me? 🙂 #
- Who is attending the 4th of July celebration this weekend at Regents Park? http://bit.ly/baIuQA #
- My project got approved! Job security for 3 years. 🙂 #
- Really enjoyed Twilight #EclipseMovie midnight showing at Vue Westfield with David, Jord & Kajsa! http://twitpic.com/21wu27 #
- Recovering from jetlag, watching Wimbledon doubles, trying to stay cool inside with an ice lolly/Popsicle and the fan on full blast. #
- Happy 4th of July! Who is heading to Regents Park today to celebrate? Hope to see you there! x #
- Thanks! —>RT @guerillaburgers: Happy 4th July to any American followers – #
- Happy early bday! —>RT @marcmapes: @pauperprincess I'm a week away from 40. Time to watch my calorie intake. 😉 #
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